Friday, October 23, 2009

oh how I wish it were saturday...

When I woke up this morning, I thought "What a wonderful day to start a Saturday." I continued to lay there. I was snuggled down into my blankets. I could feel the cool breeze coming in through the crack in my window. TJ was curled upt next to my tummy. I continued to drift in sleep when I heard the shrill buzzer from my alarm go off. I was cursing myself that I ddin't turn it off last night.

So I roll over to turn it off and through the murkey hazy my eyesight is I see the letter "F" as in Friday. I than try to feel for my glass and successfuly drop them inbetween the table and bed. I just decided shove my face next to the alarm to read the day. To my dismay, it said Friday Oct 23rd. UGH!! I let my hand fall from the alarm and just lay there in bed praying I read it wrong.

I feel TJ move and snuggle into the small of my back. How good that feels. He is a little furance. I am tempted to call in sick and just fall back into bed. (If I called in sick at least I would get paid a full day.) But I need to save the sick days.

I struggle out of bed and go get ready. I stumble out the door and to my car. Thank heavens for seat warmers. As I leave the complex, I do not see any school kids waiting for the bus. Yes I made it out the door a few minutes early but there is still a couple of kids. I continue to drive. When I am on the on ramp to the freeway, I start switching stations on the radio. There is NO TRAFFIC!! I am again convinced today is Saturday and my alarm is wrong.

A couple of dj's said "happy friday" so I guess it is true. Finally at work, Iwas telling a coworker how I believed I was at work on a Saturday and they told me they had a similar experience. Today I am chalking up to either alien abuductions or twilight zone or something.

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