Sunday, May 1, 2011

Amazing news!!

OSAMA BIN LADEN is DEAD!!  When I heard the news tonight, the first thought that popped into my head was THANK HEAVEN!!  Second thought was "Ding dong the wtich is dead!!" (not really sure where that came from).

I had a great discussion with my parents about what this could mean in the future, what closure it must provide to the families from 9/11.  What hard work our military has been doing for the last decade.  How grateful we are for their sacrfice, a perpetual gartitude for every man and woman of the armed forced (and their families) from past, present, and future generations.

Of course threy was talk of the President and politics.  That is something that occurs daily in the household.  So before I go to bed, I turn on the TV and the President is giving his speech.  And I do have some thoughts about this.

According to the commentary from NBC the President was briefed to the death this morning.  But instead of announcing to the world of the accomplishment of the US Military, he plays his 9 holes of golf (the commentators even joked that he reduced it down from 18 he normally would have played because of the upcoming announcement).  I remember when the Trade Towers were hit, and Pres Bush was informed, the left were up in arms that he didn't leave the book reading and do something.  I had asked then, if he left what could he have done?  And the answer is nothing.  I would even suspect that as more details emerged, Bush would have been hussled to safety.

So begin the avid Facebooker I am, I post that comment.  Man did it light up a firestorm.  Comments ranged from "well I would rather he (Obama) wait til it was confirmed and got it right than announce prematurely".  I replied that this could have been avoid if Pres Clinton took that chance when first presented.  It was then commented that "we should be focused on uniting as a nation".  Which I decide not to respond too because it will just get ugly and facebook isn't the best place for that. 

But my response is: the nation was united until Pres Obama thought politics was more important that the American people.  He is the most divisive President.  The Congress seems to ignore the American people and follow the President.  I cannot believe how much legislation was passed when it seemed the country was against it.  I know that both sides claims they had the numbers but even the media with the polls showed how the majority was against Obamacare.  I thought the elections were rather telling that there was a shift in some of the power. 

Some additional comments were made that what I said were pop shots at the president and claimed we shouldn't be casting stones.  I agree.  Not that my comments were pop shots, because I believe they are valid, but that we shouldn't be casting stone.  I am not perfect, Obama not perfect. My FB friends are not perfect either.  However, I still voice my opinions becase we will never been perfect in this world so why shold that prevent me from presenting my opinion?  I am simply taking the logic that was applied to a previous President and apply it to the current one.  I also feel that Obama is forever casting stones.  I will be big enough to admit that I am petty and I am simply doing until others and they have done unto me. 

But from all of this I gather something alot more than a opinion of the Presidents behavior.  From this I have witnessed the true strength of the American spirit & military.  It is with continued sacrifices from men and women of the armed forces that I am allowed to voice my opinion.  That those who serve, have served, and will serve have a much greater strength, determination, will, love, hope, faith, courage, and bravery that I will ever posses. They are the greatest people in our history.  It is because of those who serve that we have the luxuries that we do.  That I can sit here in my bed, with my dog at my feet and type this.  While they are sleeping in tents, or trenches.  They should be written of in the magazines, instead of what starlet did this or who went to what party.  I am truly humbled by the actions that have been taken on the behalf of keeping me free.  The American military ensure that I can have a heated discussion with friend and coworkers.  They ensure that I can practice my faith as I see fit and others the opportunity not to practice.  While I may never support this President, I will always support the service men and women.  It is because of them, that such an accomplishment as been made.

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