Tuesday, February 9, 2010


What a pleasant weekend.  It didn't start off that great but ended better than expected. 

Friday was pretty easy after work.  Immediately afterwork, I went to babysit Emma.  Caitlyn had to go into work and Brandon was in Twin Falls working.  I sped to Caitlyn's (I didn't even stop to get TJ that is how big of a rush I was in). 

Once I arrived to Caitlyn's, I packed Emma and Wyatt into the double stroller.  We were going to pick up TJ so he wouldn't be in the house ALL DAY.  Let me tell you what.  Two toddlers and a big stroller weigh a TON!!.  I live 1 mile away.  I forogt that in the end there is a steep hill.  Pushing  those kids up that MOUNTAIN was nearly a killer.  Ok I am exaggerating but at the time it was awful.  There is no sidewalk to it is rough gravel and uneven.

But we made it and let TJ escape prison.  The walk back was much easier.  Very proud that I walked the 2 miles in 30 minutes!!  After Caitlyn came home, I had to go out to parents house because I left my sweater at their house.  My sweater had my drivers liscence in it.  Parents house is always great because of BACK RUBS!!  Plus they have Project Runway on the Tivo. 

I finally left parents at 11pm.  Parents got free rooms in Jackpot for the Superbowl so they were leavign the following morning.  TJ and I headed home to bed.

Saturday morning was cleaning and laundary. I think matching socks is the worst and could be considered a form of torture.  After an hour of cleaning the house was pretty much done.  I still need to sweep and vaccum but that is pretty much it.  Except for craft room.  That is a disaster with so my project in different stages of completion.  But that is the project for Saturday.

After cleaning, it was reward time and off to Costco with Lexy and Chris.  What a trip.  They had all the treats out trying to tempt you to buy.  I only needed a few things: toliet paper, dog treats, grapefruit, and Propel.  I leave with three.  I forgot TJ's treats!!  I am completely out at home too.  I need to run to the Dollar Store on lunch to grab a few to last the week.

After Coscto we went to TGI Friday's for lunch.  I got the BBQ Chicken Wrap.  It wasn't that good.  As soon as I finished lunch, I ran over to Caitlyn's house again.  Brandon was still out of town working and Caitlyn needed to go to work.  Saturday was pretty easy day.  Emma slept most of time I was there.  When she woke up, Brandon had just arrived home so I went home and played with TJ (and tidied my car).

Sunday morning I had every intention of going to a Church.  I am planning on leaving the singles ward (more in another post later) and start attending a family ward.  But I slept in. New ward would start at 9 and I woke up at 1030.  Singles ward starts at 11.  TJ and I still had to go to parents house to get newspaper, set up superbowl to record, and a few other errands so I skipped Church.

After the errands, I finally ended up at Lexy's house around 130.  I had to watch the beloved Supernatural and Life Unexpected.  I somehow already saw Life Unexpected so we had a few hours to kill for the Superbowl.  We ended up watching Hoarders on A&E.  It is not hoarding.  Those are just too lazy to take out the trash!!  But it was awful!!  In each house they found DEAD ANIMALS that had be FLATTENED because of the weight on top of them!!  AWFUL!!

Thankfully Chris woke up and he couldn't handle it (it is like a train wreck...you just cant look away!) because he is such a neat freak so we had to switch channels and a few minutes later the superbowl came on.  My favorite commericals were suprisingly from Doritos.  I am partial to the dog collar/speak.  I will post a link later. 

Jana and Wyatt ended up stopping by.  Lexy made THE BEST BURGER EVER!!  I am serious.  I don't know what she did but the bacon-cheese-bbq sauce-sauteed onion-tomato-toasted bun-hamburger was the best!!  Just thinking about it makes my mouth water.

After the game was over, it was time to go to bed. 

Monday came all too quickly.  Thankfully it was over quickly too.  I don't know if it was just because I had so much to do or what but the afternoon evening just flew by!!  After work, it was a race home to pick up TJ and the car seat and get to WinCo.  I was meeting Jana to go grocery shopping and to pick up Wyatt.  Jana cleans her pastor's home for additional income and she needed to get it done.

After a great grocery shopping trip, it was run to the dog park.  Without fail, Wyatt always need to use the restroom while we are there.  I broke the rules and left TJ unattended while we raced to the porta potty.  After the dog park, it was off to Jana's house to finish out the evening. 

Jana got home and I headed to my parents house.  A back rub was over due. I love the ritual/tradition Mom and I have established.  It is a great bonding time and a relaxing time.

Another piece of random exciting news...DAD GOT ANOTHER 4 WHEELER!!  WOOHOO!! Maybe I will get to go sometime this summer!!  It is a 2007 Suzuki Kingquad 700 in red!

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