Monday, April 12, 2010

Poor TJ

Yesterday was a veggie day at the parents house.  Stayed out too late on Saturday so Sunday was VERY unproductive.  Dad took TJ outside to go on a walk around the house.  Dad walks in the house with TJ in his arms saying "Megan I need you help.  TJ has a thorn."  No big deal.  TJ gets thunderheads in his paw alot.  So I walk over an lift up his paw and I FREAK out mentally because I see blood.  A good portion of blood for being his paw. 

We all march into the bathroom and I am trying to stay calm but I really just want to pack him up to the vet...but not have to pay the huge cost because it was on weekend and after hours.  So after a little manuvering we were able to see it was bleeding from his dew claw (nail that is further up leg than on the paw)..anyway the fur is getting in the way of getting a real good look at it but TJ is getting really scared and wiggle. 

We (thank heavens parents were there) decided best to put a sock over it just to absorb the wet blood that was still there and check it in the am.  So TJ is walking around with a sock on his paw and he looks so silly.  I had to laugh (I had just finished crying by the way...maybe I shouldn't be a parent.  If I cry like that over a dog just think how bad it would be if it was a child!). 

So TJ eventually removes the sock and licks it clean.  He is walking on it fine and it doens't seem to give him any trouble.  I check it often just in case it starts bleeding again but I think it was a minor cut/hang nail type of situation.  Dad went outside to see if he could find what cut him and there was nothing with  any blood that he could see on it. 

So crisis averted and he is sleeping peacefully underneat the desk at my feet.  I need to wrap this up because of my favorite TV shows is about to come on!!  Who doesn't love Nathan Fillon as Rick Castle the author who follows pretty NYC dectective Kate Beckett around to get inspiration for his character Nicki Heat?  It is great you should really watch it.  It is on ABC on Monday nights (and speaking of Monday nights don't forget Chuck on NBC.) 

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