Monday, January 18, 2010

Poor doggie..

It was a pretty relaxed weekend. Friday had fun with family playing at Pojos and then going shopping with sisters. Saturday I just vegged at my parents house. Sunday I taught Sunday School (I love and hate the Atonement. Love it for what it is/does/allows/gives but HATE teaching about it).

There was one issue. As I was getting ready for bed Saturday, I heard TJ whimper. Of course I pick him up to see what is wrong, and I see he is keeping his left eye closed. It looks a little swollen and I pull down the eye lid and it is SO RED on the inside. There is no puss and he is generating tears so I debate on wether or to take him to the emergency Vet. I think it could be a speck of dirt or something so maybe it will come out in the night.

Sunday morning, TJ is opening up his eye and seems to be ok. He is still playful and eating. I got to church and then pick up TJ and head to my parents house.

While at my paretns house, TJ is closing his eye again. In doing some research (calling Vet and Goggle), it is recommended to try a warm compress to reduce the swelling. I will try anything. I hold the compress to his eye a couple of times through out the evening. Not his favorite thing but he sits there. The vet said to try the compress and if it doesn't improve by Monday or Tuesday to bring him in.

This morning, I pull down TJ's eyelid and it is pinker than normal but not as red. He had his eye comletely open and less tears were flowing. I will check it when I get home but I think the compress and time worked!!

Was I scared? YES!! Did I want to stay home today? YES!! Do I love TJ like a he was my child? YES!! I am still waiting to hear back from the Vet to see if I can get TJ in on Wednesday just as a check up.

Plus sometime in February TJ will be two so figure time for a check up anyway. I decided that TJ's birthday will be on Valentine's day. It is in the middle of the month and already a holiday.

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